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Radroute in Cerknica, Cerknica, Slowenien

Cycling trail Deer (Kolesarska pot Srna)

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55 km
974 m
974 m
-:-- h
-- km/h
1109 m
Max. Höhe

Über diese Route

[eng] Apart from the stunning view from the witch mountain, you will also experience cycling along the beautiful Lake Cerknica and the picturesque Rakov Škocjan valley.

A 53-km route for avid cycling enthusiasts whom also ascend to Mt Slivnica doesn't pose any problems. Apart from the stunning view from the witch mountain, you will also experience cycling along the beautiful Lake Cerknica and the picturesque Rakov Škocjan valley.

You start your way in the village of Dolenje Jezero and cycle through the village of Otok to the southern part of Lake Cerknica. Continue along the eastern part of the Cerknica plain until you get to the village of Grahovo, where you start some 10-km climb on Mount Slivnica. When you’re ready to continue your way and after you have admired the view from the top of witch mountain, head towards Cerknica and then follow the old road from Loško to Rakek. Here, take the main road to Unec and take a left turn towards Postojna. After two km, turn left for the Rakov Škocjan valley. In the forest coolness, cycle over Veliki and Mali naravni most (Big- and Small Natural Bridge) and take the first turn on the right until you get to the lookout over Lake Cerknica. From there, head north (downwards, towards Dolenja vas) and once in the village, cross the bridge to your right and continue to the starting point in Dolenje Jezero.


[slo] Kolesarski izlet, na katerem boste pobliže spoznali tri naravne znamenitosti Notranjskega parka - Cerkniško jezero, Rakov Škocjan in Slivnico.

Pot pričnete na parkirišču ob Dolenjem Jezeru in se skozi vas Otok odpeljete do južnega dela Cerkniškega jezera. Po vzhodnem robu polja peljete do Grahovega, kjer se prične okrog 10 km dolg vzpon na Slivnico. Po postanku in občudovanju razgleda z vrha gore coprnic nadaljujete pot proti Cerknici in po stari cesti čez Loško do Rakeka. Tu zapeljete na glavno cesto in nadaljujete pot do Unca, kjer zavijete proti Postojni. Po dveh kilometrih na odcepu zavijete levo v dolino Rakov Škocjan. Tu v gozdnem hladu kolesarite čez veliki naravni most, mimo malega, nato pa na prvem odcepu zavijete desno in prikolesarite na razgledno točko nad Cerkniškim jezerom. Od tu se odpravite proti severu (navzdol, proti Dolenji vasi), v Dolenji vasi desno čez mostiček in nazaj proti izhodišču na Dolenjem Jezeru.

Diese Fahrradroute ist ideal für: MTB

Du fährst auf folgendem Untergrund: Unbefestigt Schotter

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