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Radroute in Mississauga, Ontario, Kanada

Mississauga to Burlington (Hamilton)

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100 km
595 m
595 m
-:-- h
-- km/h
160 m
Max. Höhe

Über diese Route

OVERVIEW: A round-trip that is entirely on trails and bike lanes, so there's no danger. The furthest we'll go is on the Burlington Skyway, just poking through Hamilton.


ROUTE DESCRIPTION: The route starts at Mississauga's Celebration Square by skipping Port Credit and goes to Erin Mills Pkwy via the Burnhamthorpe Trail. This road is taken down all the way to Lakeshore Rd (Watefront Trail). On your way to your destination, you'll pass through places like Lakeside Park, Tannery Park, Downtown Oakville, Coronation Park, Bronte's Parks, Downtown Burlington, Burloak Waterfront Park, Paletta Lakefront Park, Sioux Lookout Park, Spencer Smith Park, and finally, the Burlington Skyway where you can see the Toronto skyline. Afterwards, we will head back using the same route (or you can choose to not use the waterfront trail, which would decrease milage but increase time). Heading back is the same, however we will be able to visit Jack Darling Memorial Park, Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens, J.C. Saddington Park, Port Credit, JJ Plaus Park, and St Lawrence Park. A great place to relax after heading back to celebration square is Port Credit. Once we head out of the waterfront, we'll take Hurontario up to the Cooksville Creek Trail for a nice slow scenic ending to a long 100km journey.

LENGTH: This trip takes around 3 1/2 to 4 hours for more experienced cyclists, whereas 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 hours is more realistic. With stops to take pictures or visit parks, eating, relaxing, it may take 8 hours. I would leave at 8 AM and you'll be back at 4-5 PM AT MOST.

I hope you enjoy this route! Feel free to customize the second half of the trip, if you find heading back on the same trail is boring. Feedback is appreciated!

Diese Fahrradroute ist ideal für: Rennrad Citybike

Du fährst auf folgendem Untergrund: Asphaltiert

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