Radroute in Sighișoara, Kreis Mieresch, Rumänien

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Radroute in Sighișoara, Kreis Mieresch, Rumänien
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Starting from the lovely town of Sighisoara,where one can visit the medieval Town Center with its famous castle, we supplied with fresh vegetables, meat products and country style owen baked bread from the town's country market (noted on the map).
The European road starts climbing right away at the town's outskirts. The views around make the steep long climb more forgiving.
Places to stop and eat along the way are plentiful, one beautiful place to stop and have a meal with a view is at the top of the second hill from Sighisoara called Nades Hill. The restaurant has tables outside, covered gazebo style and the views are beautiful. (restaurant location on the map)
The route is heavilly travelled but the beauty surrounding it help one forget about cars and trucks whizzing by.
At the town of Balauseri, catch route 13A going west towards Sovata.
From here the traffic lessens and the scenery gets even lovelier. If in season, stop and pick up real apples and plums from the trees lining up the road.
The route ends at the town of Sovata famous for its natural spring waters and salt mines.
Nades Hill restaurant
Country market.
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