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Radroute in Văliug, Judeţul Caraş-Severin, Rumänien


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35 km
1270 m
1255 m
-:-- h
-- km/h
--- m
Max. Höhe

Über diese Route

The track begins from the lake Valiug in Caras Severin County and follows the road to Garana and the trough the middle of the village Garana goes out..When we are out of the village we have to hold the right side until we have a forest on our left side.Leaving the forest on our left side we folow a dirt road on the right until we see the panorama of Brebu Village..Once in Brebu we gos to the Lakes Tail and surround the lake following the forest road wich will lead us to Semenic Mountain Resort..from Semenic near the Ghost Hotel we go downhill to Valiug on the ski slope

Diese Fahrradroute ist ideal für: MTB

Du fährst auf folgendem Untergrund: Asphaltiert Unbefestigt Schotter

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