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Radroute in Basco, Cagayan Valley, Philippinen

Batanes - Batan Island Loop

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41 km
468 m
468 m
-:-- h
-- km/h
--- m
Max. Höhe

Über diese Route

This is Batan Island in Batanes, Philippines. 

This cycling route starts from Basco going south towards the southern tip of Batan island to the town of Uyugan.  

The start of this route climbs up to Tukon Radar Station, then on to Racuh a Payaman where you can see the landscape and seascapes surrounding Batanes.  Rest at the top and appreciate nature! 

Then the return route going back to Basco is via the national road on the western side of the island visiting the towns of Ivana and Mahatao. 

This is best taken at a slow pace -- to enjoy the scenery.   

Diese Fahrradroute ist ideal für: Rennrad MTB

Du fährst auf folgendem Untergrund: Asphaltiert Unbefestigt

Highlights entlang der Route

POI Foto 1: Ivatan Guide


Racuh a Payaman in Batan Island, Batanes. Photo from


Novita House, Homestay for mountain bikers like us.

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