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Radroute in Glasgow, Schottland, Vereinigtes Königreich

Glasgow to Lanark following the Clyde

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55 km
592 m
399 m
-:-- h
-- km/h
220 m
Max. Höhe

Über diese Route

We planned this route from afar (Australia) back in 2020, then due to COVID didn't have the opportunity to ride until May 2022. The original route took Lanark Rd from Larkhall, all the way to Lanark; I had ridden this way back in 1982. During the time between planning and our riding, several people have marked the route as favourite. I hope they won't mind that we have now edited it after bailing from the busy Lanark Rd at Mauldslie Bridge, choosing to to ride the Clyde Walkway instead. Not all this is rideable, there are some steep sections and sets of steps. However it was much less stressful than the road and absoutely beautiful. The whole ride is very pleasant and interesting, visiting Bothwell castle, David Livingston Centre, Chatelherault Country Park, and New Lanark (if you get there before it closes).

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