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Radroute in Ryōtsu-minato, Präfektur Niigata, Japan

SADO-ICHI (cycle around Sado Island)

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209 km
792 m
795 m
-:-- h
-- km/h
--- m
Max. Höhe

Über diese Route

Welcome to Sado Island!

Sado Island is the largest island in Sea of Japan, slightly larger than the size of Singapore! All the roads are paved so you'll enjoy very comfortable ride with the view of the ocean. but the roads are narrow in some part and the traffic might be busy. So please be careful of the traffic and enjoy the spectacular ride!

Stay: There are hotels, ryokan, and hostels. Especially it's easy to find inns in these areas; Ryotsu, Matsugasaki, Akadomari, Ogi, Mano, Sawata, Aikawa.

Camping: There are good camp grounds along the way but most of them are operating only in summer season.

Camp grounds are in; Matsugasaki, Sobama beach, Kubota, Nyuzaki, Futatsugame.

Food: There are supermarkets and restaurants in the larger towns such as Ryotsu,Ogi, Hamochi, Mano, Sawata, Aikawa. But in other small villages along the coast, there are less options and the shops close quite earlier. Please be prepared for it.

Diese Fahrradroute ist ideal für: Rennrad Citybike

Du fährst auf folgendem Untergrund: Asphaltiert

Highlights entlang der Route


Matsugasaki Village Campground, Cafe with handmade donuts, Renovated Japanese traditional holiday home (its name is Kanemo). There are many traditional houses in this small village.

Interessanter Ort

Shiisaki Onsen (hot spa) Onsen with stunning view of the lake and mountains. Visit "green hotel Kiraku" and pay for the onsen. (500yen p.p.)

Interessanter Ort

Washisaki village Supermarket

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