Radroute in Derby, England, Vereinigtes Königreich
New New Way of the Rings Day 10 Derby to Nuneaton

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Radroute in Derby, England, Vereinigtes Königreich
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Diese Route basiert auf New Way of the Rings Day 12 Warwick to Chipping Norton .
Cursus destroyed - 3 in this vicinity
Cat Hill Wood Stone submitted by enkidu41 Cat Hill Wood StoneStanding Stone - probably modern - in Leicestershire and Rutland. This stone in Cat Hill Wood is nearly 8' high and is the tallest standing stone in the county.
Bradbourne Stone Standing Stone in Derbyshire The Bradbourne Stone which Stands a couple of hundred metres north of Bradbourne Church at SK209530 where there is also a nice saxon cross shaft in churchyard. It is located behind a scrubby looking pond.
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