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Radroute in Fulbourn, England, Vereinigtes Königreich

Southeast Cambridge Loop

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68 km
221 m
222 m
-:-- h
-- km/h
--- m
Max. Höhe

Über diese Route

A nice morning's ride around the villages Southeast of Cambridge. Some areas to the South are surprisingly hilly (at least to someone used to Cambridge landscapes).

Du fährst auf folgendem Untergrund: Asphaltiert Unbefestigt

Highlights entlang der Route

Interessanter Ort

It is hard to find the entrance to the Busway Cycleway. You need to go through the Park & Ride car park to get there. It's a bit of a muddle and there are some strange crossings to contend with.

Interessanter Ort

Only cycles can cross this junction. Other traffic must turn left and turn around at the roundabout. However, the cycle-specific signing is much less visible than the normal traffic signing.

Interessanter Ort

The turning onto NCN11 is not obvious! When I joined it, the sign indicated the road into Littlebury Green, but there was no sign indicating the route in the opposite direction.

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