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Radroute in Canmore, Alberta, Kanada

Short bike trip Canmore


Über diese Route

This was an easy one. And what is great about this one is that you have lots of space to park at the visitor centre and then it's all along some local hotels and stores all the way to Elk Run, past the great Valbella Gourmets store (this was the most difficult part !!!), then up the hill to Cougar Creek. That stretch is a good climb, but after that it's all easy again. Motorists are pretty good in Canmore when it comes to bicycles - so usually they give you lots of room. I like the part driving west on Palliser Trail - you have a great view of the big Cascade Mountain. Then back to the visitor centre. By the way - they have maps and clean washrooms, and the staff there are very friendly - so it's a good spot to start out almost any tour in Canmore.

Diese Fahrradroute ist ideal für: MTB

Du fährst auf folgendem Untergrund: Asphaltiert

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