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Radroute in Bossolasco, Piemont, Italien

Le Salite dei Campioni - Le Alte Langhe - FULL day Ride

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120 km
2085 m
2103 m
-:-- h
-- km/h
--- m
Max. Höhe

Über diese Route

Start and return in Bossolasco ..a 120 km's ride climbing a total of more than 2500mt. Ending the ride with the last climb, named after Louison Bobet. returning to Bossolasco. 

Let's make 6 Climbs in the territory of the Langhe ...dominated by coltivation of hazelnuts, descibred as 'round and gentle' and Docietto grapes to produce excellent wines as Dolcetto di Dogliani.ecc.

On the 4th climb (Charly Gaul) we pass through the viticultures of the famous grape, Moscato DOC. Hilly sceneries that will take your breath away as much as the ride itself.

Mombarcaro is called the 'Vetta delle Langhe' as from there you'll get a 360* view over the territory, picturescque, romantic and softly shapen. In Murazzano they've got an excellent Toma (Cheese)

This ride includes 6 climbs, given names after champions becoming icons in the world of road race cycling; i.e. Bartali, Coppi, ecc. The climbs and their caracters are as follows; 

1) Murazzano - Q732mt a.s.l. / 318mt dsl+ / 6,3km / avg. 5% / Named after J.Anquetil

2) Mombarcaro - Q842mt a.s.l. (also Cima Coppi) / 261mt dsl+ /  3km - avg.7,2% - Dedicated to F:Coppi.

3) Lequio Berria - Q712mt a.s.l. / 361mt dsl+ / 7km / avg. 5,1% / To Marco Pantani.

4) Campetto (Benevello) Q631mt a.s.l. / 368mt dsl+ / 7,6km / avg. 4,5% / Mr Charly Gaul from Luxemburg.

5) Albaretto Torre Q659mt a.s.l. / 326mt dsl+ / 3km / avg.10% (with ramps of 18%) / the rival AND friend of Fausto Coppi, the tuscany guy, Gino Bartali

6) Bossolasco Q722mt a.s.l. / 310mt dsl+ / 6km / 2% / Honoring Lousin Bobet.

Diese Fahrradroute ist ideal für: Rennrad

Du fährst auf folgendem Untergrund: Asphaltiert

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