How cycling in North Rhine-Westphalia could look like.

Cycling in North Rhine-Westphalia

Discover North Rhine-Westphalia by bike with routes created by our community.

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Get to know North Rhine-Westphalia

Find the right bike route for you through North Rhine-Westphalia, where we've got 369,554 cycle routes to explore. The routes you most commonly find here are of the flat or downhill type. Most people get on their bikes to ride here in the months of May and June.

15,983,987 km

Tracked distance


Cycle routes


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From our community

The best bike routes in North Rhine-Westphalia


Köln - Frechen - Herzogenrath - Kerkrade(NL)

Cycling route in Poll, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Kleine Tagestour mit dem Sohnemann über die niederländische Grenze. Abfahrt erst gegen mittag, Käffchen bei der Oma in Frechen, um halb neun mit der Bahn zurück wegen Schule tags drauf. Keine nennenswerten Erlebnisse außer ein paar Stunden an der frischen Luft.
84.1 km
343 m
234 m
Von Quelle zu Quelle
Paderborner Land

Von Quelle zu Quelle

Cycling route in Bielefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Dieser Radweg führt Sie entlang zahlreicher Quellen zwischen Bielefeld und Paderborn: Die Radtour startet an der Lutterquelle in Bielefeld und führt Sie weiter durch die Täler des Bullerbaches und des Furlbaches zu den Emsquellen bis hin zu den Paderquellen in Paderborn.
66.9 km
334 m
347 m
NR959: Maasdünen und Reindersmeer

NR959: Maasdünen und Reindersmeer

Cycling route in Weeze, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Die Tour führt uns über den internationalen Flughafen von Weeze in Richtung der deutsch-niederländischen Grenze. Kurz nach Verlassen des Flughafenareals legen wir einen ersten kurzen Stopp ein und genießen von einem Aussichtspunkt aus einen Blick auf eine renaturierte Kiesabg
29.7 km
120 m
118 m

Lahnradweg ca. 268 km, Gesamttour

Cycling route in Erndtebrück, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

noch in Bearbeitung Lahnquelle - Marburg, 66 km Marburg - Wetzlar, 58 km Wetzlar - Limburg, 75 km Limburg - Lahnstein - Koblenz, 69 km
267.2 km
1,936 m
2,476 m

From our editors

Top cycle routes in and around North Rhine-Westphalia


Biking across borders


In olden days, the Vennbahn was the railway connection between Aachen and the North of Luxembourg. Today you’ll find an attractive cycling route on the path where the trains used to chug along. The route takes in three countries – , Belgium and Luxembourg – and frequently skips back and forth across border lines.

Featured route along the Vennbahn

Weser uplands

Follow the river

Weser uplands

This region is paradise for those looking for flat, comfortable rides. Over 500 kilometers (310 miles) along the Weser cycle path will gently take you through six regions all the way to the North Sea coast. It ends in the town of Cuxhaven, which has one of the largest fishing ports of Germany and a lovely sandy beach.

Featured route in the Weser uplands


Biking with bats


Sauerland is different. Not as densely populated as the rest of North Rhine-Westphalia, yet close to its large cities, the quieter region is a natural sanctuary and very popular for day trips. The Sauerland cycle ring is 84 kilometers (52 miles) long and takes you on a circular tour with plenty of highlights – including a tunnel inhabited by bats.

Featured route in the Sauerland region

Paderborn country route

Circling the region

Paderborn country route

Cycling in a circle might not sound exciting, but it is on the 250 kilometers (155 miles) long Paderborn country route. North Rhine-Westphalia is rich in natural beauty, historical sites and culture, so stopping frequently to take it all in is a must. The perfect starting point for the bike tour is the city of Paderborn, famous for its cathedral and the largest computer museum in the world.  

Featured route in Paderborn

Münsterland region

Cycling through Teutoburger forest

Münsterland region

From Münster – a large university city known for its cathedral – head towards Teutoburger forest, a place steeped in legend and fairy tales. The German leg of Euro cycle route R1 takes cyclists through here, so you can easily follow the signs for R1 or D-route 3. The entire route leads from Boulogne-sur-mer to St. Petersburg, but that is for another day!

Featured route in the Münsterland region

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