How cycling in Washington could look like.

Cycling in Washington

Discover Washington by bike with routes created by our community.

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Get to know Washington

Find the right bike route for you through Washington, where we've got 15,761 cycle routes to explore. The routes you most commonly find here are of the hilly or downhill type. Most people get on their bikes to ride here in the months of July and August.

1,013,846 km

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The best bike routes in Washington

Seattle to Marysville
Road bikeMTBPaved
Jeff Kadet

Seattle to Marysville

Cycling route in Seattle, Washington, United States of America

Until near the end of the ride, we rode almost continually along the Interurban Trail. For the most part, this was an excellent mostly urban route with the vast bulk of it being either dedicated cycling trails or streets with good bike lanes. While having the GPS for our route was critical a number
76.1 km
650 m
687 m
Bellingham to Vancouver
Road bikeMTBPaved
Jeff Kadet

Bellingham to Vancouver

Cycling route in Marietta-Alderwood, Washington, United States of America

Overall the ride was less painful than expected. There was a lot of bicycle lane and mostly reasonably manageable ups and downs. Though the last part when trying to find our AirBNB lodging for the night put us on some pretty steep inclines, a couple of which we pedaled up needlessly as things turned
106.5 km
1,505 m
1,438 m
Burlington to Bellingham
Road bikeMTBPaved
Jeff Kadet

Burlington to Bellingham

Cycling route in Burlington, Washington, United States of America

The first half to two-thirds of the ride was pretty much flat through nice agricultural areas. After the flat portion of the ride, we got onto Chuckanut Drive, which is really a beautiful road along the coast south of Bellingham that rises and falls a number of times. The only downsides are a litt
52.8 km
635 m
590 m
Marysville to Burlington
Road bikeMTBPaved
Jeff Kadet

Marysville to Burlington

Cycling route in Marysville, Washington, United States of America

Trying to avoid all the congestion along the I-5 corridor, we rode through some residential areas initially and then along the Centennial Trail through Arlington, which was the first nicely quaint town we’ve been through this trip. The trail, which was particularly nice after Arlington, ended at the
69 km
499 m
508 m

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