Cycling Route in Mentor, Ohio, United States of America
Mentor OH to Westlake OH

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Cycling Route in Mentor, Ohio, United States of America
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This was an unexpectedly nice ride. First, the first 26 miles were without rain. The remaining 15 miles were in a steady rain that had us relatively sopped by the time we arrived at our hotel for the night.
Aside from the weather, the ride was an unexpectedly nice nice for two reasons. One was that the Cleveland bicycle lanes and the Cleveland Lakefront Bikeway made getting through the city a piece of cake. The other was that the Bikeway and bikelanes took us through so many nice neighborhoods. They were never-ending and more consistently nice that we've seen anywhere. Along one section, there were many unbelievably large homes on large multi-acre lots. Other neighborhoods were more modest, but overall very consistently nice.
Did you know? You can use this route as a template in our cycling route planner if you don't wish to start from scratch. Customize it based on your needs to plan your perfect cycling tour.
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