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Cycling Route in Cerknica, Cerknica, Slovenia

Cycling trail Menišija (Kolesarska pot Menišija)

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24 km
397 m
399 m
-:-- h
-- km/h
Avg. Speed
831 m
Max. Elevation

About This Route

[eng] Trail, full of numerous karst phenomena. 

The Menišija Cycling Trail leads from the village of Begunje, past the spring of the Brejnice stream, through the Koželjski graben valley to the village of Dobec, and then through the village of Bezuljak back to Begunje. On your way, you will see numerous karst phenomena.

Part of the trail also runs on the Menišija Education Trail, which allows you to get to know numerous karst phenomena, caves, pits, forests and typical karst meadows.

If you decide to start from the parking lot in Dolenje Jezero, you can get to Begunje along the foothills of Mount Slivnica past the village of Brezje, whereas for your way back to Cerknica, you can opt for the old road past the hunters’ shooting range and Kamna gorica. This way, you avoid the busy main road between Begunje and Cerknica which is not very bicycle-friendly.


[slo] Spoznajte številne kraške pojave, jame, brezna, gozdove in značilne kraške travnike.

Krožna pot se začne v Begunjah in poteka po gozdni poti mimo izvira Brejnic skozi Koželjski graben in vas Kožljek do vasi Dobec, skozi Bezuljak in nazaj do Begunj.

Del kolesarske poti je speljan tudi po Naravoslovni učni poti Menišija, tako da ob njej lahko spoznate številne kraške pojave, jame, brezna, gozdove in značilne kraške travnike.

Če si boste za izhodišče izbrali parkirišče ob Dolenjem Jezeru, do Begunj lahko prikolesarite ob vznožju Slivnice mimo vasi Brezje, nazaj pa se do Cerknice vrnete po stari poti mimo strelišča in Kamne gorice. Na ta način se izognete glavni cesti med Cerknico in Begunjami, ki je zaradi prometa za kolesarjenje manj primerna.

This cycling route is ideal for: MTB

You will cycle on the following surfaces: Unpaved Gravel

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