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Cycling Route in Tuluceşti, Judeţul Galaţi, Romania


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21 km
365 m
363 m
-:-- h
-- km/h
Avg. Speed
--- m
Max. Elevation

About This Route

Primul concurs la care am participat si la care dupa o noapte incinsa cu alcool pana la 6 dim. am reusit totusi sa finalizez concursul pe o pozitie destul de buna in ciuda faptului ca m-am odihnit doar 3 ore.

Frumos traseul, pacat ca a plouat si a fost noroi. Dur concursul as putea spune insa nici prin cap nu-mi trecea ce urma sa ma astepte la Prima Evadare. :))))) Aici a fost un fleac. La mai multe bikerii mei. Sa ne vedem pe trasee. Bai bai.

This cycling route is ideal for: MTB

You will cycle on the following surfaces: Unpaved

Highlights Along The Route

POI Photo 1: chiricosu

Point of Interest


POI Photo 2: chiricosu

Point of Interest

Victorieeee :)

POI Photo 3: chiricosu

Point of Interest

Carca daca n-ai muncit destul :)

More highlights are available with Bikemap for iOS and Android.

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