Cycling in Zeeland
Discover Zeeland by bike with routes created by our community.
Region portrait
Get to know Zeeland
Find the right bike route for you through Zeeland, where we've got 78 cycle routes to explore. The routes you most commonly find here are of the flat type. Most people get on their bikes to ride here in the months of June and August.
17,721 km
Tracked distance
Cycle routes
Most active users in Zeeland
From our community
The best bike routes in Zeeland
Tour Name slingerpad
Cycling route in Zeeland, North Brabant, Netherlands
Tour Description
- 5.3 km
- Distance
- 8 m
- Ascent
- 4 m
- Descent
bfb toertocht 2016
Cycling route in Zeeland, North Brabant, Netherlands
Route van de toertocht op 24-6-2016 Bike Festival Brabant.
Start, pauze en finish is op het evenemententerrein aan de Tweehekkenweg in Zeeland. Deze weg wordt 4 keer gereden.
1: start richting Zevenhuis.Tooverkamp, richting Landerd
2: Naar pauze vanaf zandpad Tooverkamp vi
- 39.3 km
- Distance
- 57 m
- Ascent
- 54 m
- Descent
BFB toertocht 2016 aangepast
Cycling route in Zeeland, North Brabant, Netherlands
BFB toertocht met aanpassingen volgens gemeente en staatsbosbeheer
- 39.7 km
- Distance
- 44 m
- Ascent
- 42 m
- Descent
Schoikse lus BFB
Cycling route in Zeeland, North Brabant, Netherlands
Lus Schaijk, voorgrerden op 8-6-2016 BFB
- 21.4 km
- Distance
- 35 m
- Ascent
- 31 m
- Descent
Discover more routes
- Langenboom-Millingen-Langenboom
- Distance
- 99.8 km
- Ascent
- 186 m
- Descent
- 189 m
- Location
- Zeeland, North Brabant, Netherlands
- Kerkstraat 19A, Zeeland naar Kerkstraat 19A, Zeeland
- Distance
- 35.5 km
- Ascent
- 260 m
- Descent
- 256 m
- Location
- Zeeland, North Brabant, Netherlands
- Knooppunt 87
- Distance
- 10.5 km
- Ascent
- 4 m
- Descent
- 5 m
- Location
- Zeeland, North Brabant, Netherlands
- 26 april
- Distance
- 100.9 km
- Ascent
- 46 m
- Descent
- 46 m
- Location
- Zeeland, North Brabant, Netherlands
- Voor-Oventje 7A, Zeeland naar Wilgenlaan 15, Langenboom
- Distance
- 5 km
- Ascent
- 0 m
- Descent
- 3 m
- Location
- Zeeland, North Brabant, Netherlands
- Postnl Depot Langenboom
- Distance
- 5 km
- Ascent
- 3 m
- Descent
- 0 m
- Location
- Zeeland, North Brabant, Netherlands
- Korte Dijk 17–19, Zeeland naar Delstraat 28–34, Uden
- Distance
- 8.7 km
- Ascent
- 0 m
- Descent
- 19 m
- Location
- Zeeland, North Brabant, Netherlands
- Maashorst
- Distance
- 24.7 km
- Ascent
- 89 m
- Descent
- 89 m
- Location
- Zeeland, North Brabant, Netherlands