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Cycling Route in Cerknica, Cerknica, Slovenia

Cycling trail Pike (Kolesarska pot Ščuka)

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17 km
208 m
211 m
-:-- h
-- km/h
Avg. Speed
--- m
Max. Elevation

About This Route

[eng] Circular trail with plenty of views of Mount Slivnica and the lake, and cycling in the fresh Javorniki forests is also pleasant in summer.

Starting point is at the parking lot at the end of the village of Dolenje Jezero from where you set off back to the village and turn left on a macadam road towards Dolenja vas. After about 2 km you arrive to Dolenja vas, cross the bridge and turn left. Soon the ascent starts, at the top you have a chance to stop at Cvinger lookout, which offers great view on our biggest intermittent lake.

There the 10-km ride along the Javorniki foothills begins, during which you can enjoy some magnificent views of Lake Cerknica and Mount Slivnica. The trail also takes you past the ruins of Karlovec Castle, which is connected with the legend of the creation of the lake, above the Jamski zaliv cove with ponor caves such as Velika and Mala Karlovica and above Skadulca cave. After about 10 km you get to the intersection where you turn left towards the village Otok, the only Slovenian island village. From the village you only have a couple more kilometers of flat road along the Lake Cerknica shore and you get back to the starting point.

Last part of the tour also follows the "Drvošec" educational trail, so you can stop at one of the three lookouts ("Kuharca", "Klejni vrh" or 10 meters high "Otočec" tower).


[slo] Krožna kolesarska pot z obilico lepih razgledov na Slivnico in jezero. Poleti pa je pot prijetna zaradi svežine, ki jo oddajajo javorniški gozdovi.

Srednje dolga krožna pot sprva vodi skozi Dolenjo vas in ob vznožju Javornikov nad Cerkniškim jezerom, nato pa skozi vas Otok in ob obali jezera nazaj na izhodišče.

Izhodišče je na parkirišču ob koncu vasi Dolenje Jezero, od koder se odpravite nazaj v vas in zavijete na makadamsko pot čez polje proti Dolenji vasi. Po dveh kilometrih v vasi zapeljete čez most in zavijete levo, na vrhu vzpona pa se lahko ustavite na razgledni točki Cvinger, od koder se vam odpre prelep razgled na največje presihajoče jezero pri nas.

Sledi vožnja ob vznožju Javornikov po makadamski cesti skozi gozd, nad jamskim zalivom in jamo Skadulco. Po približno 10 km na križišču zavijete levo proti vasi Otok, edini slovenski vasi, ki leži na otoku. Zadnji del poti do izhodišča poteka po nasipu ob obali Cerkniškega jezera, kjer imate več priložnosti za postanek - tudi na dveh opazovalnicah in stolpu, ki stojijo nad cesto in so del učne poti Drvošec.

This cycling route is ideal for: MTB

You will cycle on the following surfaces: Unpaved

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